Is MMA safe?

2023-05-16T22:03:12+10:00May 16, 2023||

MMA like all martial arts is safe as long as you follow proper technique, wear proper gear, and train with a qualified instructor. And work within your individual range leave your ego at the door and empty your cup. Smile, sweat and have fun.

What should I bring to the MMA class?

2023-05-16T22:02:33+10:00May 16, 2023||

Initially just a water bottle. After a short period of time however you will need a uniform (Gi) and protective equipment such as your shin & arm guards, elbow pads and mouth guard. You must wear a rashie or t-shirt underneath your dobok or gi (martial arts uniform). It is required to [Read More]

Do I need any prior MMA experience to attend the class?

2023-05-16T22:01:25+10:00May 16, 2023||

No, not at all. However, the MMA program is our only program that requires you to train in at least two other martial arts. (Eg: Taekwondo & Boxing, or Boxing and Jiu Jitsu, etc). MTC Ringwood is proud and privileged to be able to offer multiple martial arts classes that you can [Read More]

Can I attend a boxing class if I have an injury?

2023-05-16T21:56:56+10:00May 16, 2023||

It's always best and recommended that you consult your doctor before starting any new fitness program, especially if you have an injury. Pain is your bodies way of saying stop. That being said, there are many ways we can still train around different injuries or hurdles that can help and support your [Read More]

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