How long are the classes?

2023-05-16T21:55:44+10:00May 16, 2023||

Classes are designed per age group and broken into sections that support various areas of development: Musketeers (4-7 years) is 25 min, Juniors (8-12 years) is 40 min and Seniors (13+) is 55 min.

Will I be sparring in the class?

2023-05-16T21:53:38+10:00May 16, 2023||

Yes, however it only occurs over time and is dependent on a development of skills and maturity. There are different developmental levels that each individual must go through and demonstrate before even light contact is reached and always with PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). Sparring is part of martial arts and we have [Read More]

Is boxing safe?

2023-05-16T21:52:25+10:00May 16, 2023||

Boxing and all martial arts are safe  as long as you follow the proper technique, respect each other wear proper gear, and train with a qualified and experienced instructor.

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